Initial Cash Requirements

The costs of starting a business are often underestimated. New entrepreneurs should consider, at a minimum, six months personal and business cash flow to have an idea of the initial costs they will have to bear. Complete the tables in the Excel file that you can download below. The summary table will provide an overview of your total expenses over a period of six months.

This is intended to be a simple and practical tool to be adjusted and used by SMEs working in all sectors. You may adapt it to reflect your business needs, type of clientele, products and services you offer.

File Description

 The file is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template. Once you’ve downloaded the file, you must copy it to your EXCEL\XLSTART directory in order to use it.

Special Features

  • Download this spreadsheet template just once, and be able to use it over and over again.
  • The spreadsheet can be completely customized – you can quickly add or delete items or revise the format to meet your needs.
  • The spreadsheet is easy to use. Just plug in your numbers and it will automatically compute the amount of cash needed to start you new business.